Never be late for work again! The brand new Mobile Razor Attachment is major breakthrough in communication cleanliness. For years we've been frustrated by the impossibility of shaving whilst on the phone. This may seem unlikely, but in an age where communication is power, very few people are able to be separated from their mobile for more than a few seconds at a time. Because of this phenomenon, far too many people were growing beards (which is simply not acceptable), or letting their leg and armpit hair get frighteningly long - purely because they couldn't shave and talk at the same time. Unsightly hirsuteness is now a thing of the past thanks to the astonishing Multi-Blade Polo Frail Mobile Shaver Attachment. With six cutting-edge blades you're guaranteed a shave so close you'll feel you've been exfoliated. The first blade shaves you close, the second shaves you closer still, and the other four do more or less the same job with varying degrees of closeness. The attachment fits onto any mobile phone, and is activated by the vibra-call function on your phone. All you have to do is get someone to call you relentlessly (often you'll find your Mother will oblige) to ensure a clean and smooth finish.
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