Hello, everybody. Hope everyone who celebrates it had a great Thanksgiving. Hope the rest of you had a great regular week of normalcy. Sad that my Thanksgiving week is over but glad to be back posting again. I did almost absolutely nothing. Spent a great portion of my week away just lying around reading and not doing anything electronic. Oddly, my worldview for the holiday was very much like these electroluminescent blinds. I spent countless hours contemplating my navel and watching the sun filter through my blinds. Now that I'm back in the office, I already miss those dusty bars of sunlight serried on my new rug. This concept from Makato Hirahara gives the illusion of a sundrenched window behind the blinds. Turn the plastic rod and you can raise or lower the brightness level. A terrific idea for those who work in basements or whose space doesn't allow views of the outside.
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